Welcome to OSMBC, the tool for the weeklyOSM / Wochennotizteam to collect, write and publish OpenStreetMaps weekly news.

If you already have an account, please use the OSM Login button at the end of the page.

If you would like to report a post for the next issue, and are not an editor, you still can login and use our guest module of OSMBC.

The guest module gives you access to all YOUR articles, including their translation in all languages.

It also offers the possiblity to keep you informed via email about comments on that article.

To register to OSMBC you just have to login with your OpenStreetMap user account, and you will be added to our user database as guest.

Login with OpenStreetMap OAuth 2.0
  • More Information

    You can find a short manual for guest users:

  • How to use OSMBC guest mode

    Data Protection Remark

    All your changes are logged with your OSMBC user name, similar the logging of changesets in OpenStreetMap.